Thursday 21 April 2011

The Kairos Document

I don't know if you guys have read about the Kairos document before?

It was a document put together by some South African Christians in the 80s, addressing some Apartheid issues. It is quite amazing and I think perhaps worth discussing :)

The wikipedia blurb is here:
And you can get to the document itself below the wikipedia article.

One of the things that I love most about it is that it Christians actually grappling with the issues of the day, through the lens of their faith, in quite a revolutionary way.

Christians presenting insightful answers to society, shaping the way people think, challenging the status quo, I love it <3

There are probably some bits where we will disagree with the document, some bits we will agree, and some bits that aren't so relevant today. But it is definitely worth reading!!

Also, I just love the term "prophetic theology" :D

- Laura

Thursday 14 April 2011

Just for fun

On a completely arb tangent, I randomly came across this today and it made me laugh:


It is a letter written in Nigeria in 1929, by a guy who has been fired, asking his boss to take him back. But the guy is quite hysterical :)

Leviticus and Relationships

So I encourage you guys, especially you Laura to read Generous Justice by Timothy Keller and Leviticus. Great stuff.
Here is my summary:

1. Justice is about relationship;

2. Leviticus was about relationships-though I am still baffled about the whole thing of women having to be outside the camp during a certain time;

3. Social justice is not a side issue, an appendix for Christians. It is part of the centrality of our doctrine and relationship with Christ;

4. We can work with non-Cristian;

5. God is on the side of the poor-period;

6.0 Bono was right all along about the Jubilee economy;

7. This I like, it is a bit contentious...may be: Fasting is not about us, it is about the needy. So why do we have these church fasts for the local church for growth in numbers? I am not saying we should never do that but it seems that that is the only thing we do;

8. God is so interested about others. And not necessarily to "evangelise"them; and

9. All of life is holy,as it all belongs to him.
Girls. Who said growing up was fun.

1. One you can't just throw your toys out because you will have to pick them up. That just sucks. Really.

Monday 4 April 2011


"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."

- James Earl Jones

In certain things, I have never quite cared to play by the rules alright then maybe in most thingsJ. For example, I have never quite cared to wait for the traffic light to turn green before I walk; or to say no to the last piece of chocolate cake just to be polite. I have never cared to put distance between myself and those I lead or those I am senior to, nor have I cared to make an effort to go to work on a Monday morning when I am dead tired from putting in over time over the weekend. I have never cared to wait for a man to ask me to dance when the beats got me tapping my toes or wait for him to ask to buy me a drink for that matter. I simply make up my mind that he is the one to dance with me or he is the one to buy me a drink and then I tell him so. Black as I am, come summer thunder storms and I will dance in the rain with my new hairdo, and yes I will pick Ray La Montaigne over Neo any day for some easy listening.

I have often been the first to say I like you, I care about you, I have feelings for youand I know its not the done thing. Its just not how ladies are supposed to behave, and I hear and understand the wisdom of it, but it just doesnt fit. I can almost hear the questions: hows that working for ya?Have you no pride? Are you insecure? Do you have low self esteem or something? Dont you want men to chase you instead of you chasing them?

To answer the questions honestly: It hasnt worked for me and I dont imagine that it will, but so be it . I have ended up with egg in my face and a broken heart once, twice or thrice before. I have a great self esteem though, and I am pretty secure in myself. And what girl doesnt want to be pursued with great passion? I guess I just dont have that kind of pride. It just doesnt bother me to say no to dancing with me, or buying me a drink. Even telling me I am just not that into you doesnt bother me for long. It hurts when the one you love does not love you back, it rips my heart out; but that act alone? Telling me I dont feel the same; I dont find it to be humiliating or unbearable. I value people who say what they mean and mean what they say, and I try to be that.

What I do find unbearable however, is to be held captive by fear. To be sitting in a chair and looking across the room and thinking he looks interesting, I think I would like to talk to him and having no guts to do anything about it. To miss dancing to my favorite song because, someone thinks I am either not interesting enough or I am too intimidating to approach and ask for a dance. I am of the weaker sex, yes, but I am not helpless or even delicate. I like to push and shove a little and dont mind being pushed back. I enjoy a good fight, even though I am a sensitive soul. I belong to God, and under Him, I am a grown woman and my own person.

I love being bold and getting in on the action. I hate blending into the walls and speaking in hushed tones on the outskirts of banquet halls. I do not belong to the British upper middle class and I do not desire to live like them. I am African, born of women of beauty and strength who have no use for frailty and daintiness. I am my father’s daughter, I am bold and hate feeling small and fearful (I have done that for too long) and on occasion I cause my friends to cringe. Let me wear bright colors and dance the night away on the stage, not for anybodys attention or to get anybodys love, but because for me, in this place I am myself.

I must confess, I find that I am becoming less inclined to be first to say phrases like: I like you, I care about you, I have feelings for you. The reason is not propriety, but rather, I am (at least I hope) becoming better at reading the reality between a man who truly likes me and one who has a fleeting interest or is double minded about what he wants or feels. The latter simply do not interest me anymore.

With all the bold declarations above, I do find that I am being tempered with my words. Although I value my freedom to speak and to express my heart, I think that I am finally hearing the wisdom of Proverbs 3:7. It says that there is a time and season for everything under heaven, a time to be silent and a time to speak. I am learning that sometimes speaking out , even when speaking the truth and speaking it in love or with the best of intentions, is not always the way. I am learning that good words, the right words, can kill the very thing we seek to create by them, when they are spoken in the wrong season. I am getting the sneaky suspicion that there are moments in which to love one well, and to love them better than myself, might mean I refrain from saying:”I love you”

Dorothy Neville puts it like this: "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment

Thursday 24 March 2011

Figuring out the rules

For my blog post I am going to put forward some ideas I've been exposed to recently...
shamelessly swiped from people's facebook statusses :)

Good doctrine alone is a poor substitute for true Christianity. Knowing more doesn't equate to being a Christian. But somehow we have made "knowing more" one of the major marks of becoming a better Christian. Read more books, know the answers to the questions, know the Bible better. All of which are good things.

But God isn't a set of principles we can know, and master. Knowing God isn't about figuring out the rules that he operates by.
Yet I know I have a tenancy to reduce being a Christian to following a set of principles to follow.

I know we can maybe relatively easily avoid this kind of thinking in our own personal one on one relationships with God. But what about things like worldviews and doctrine on the issues of society? Sometimes my approach to that looks a lot like trying to figure out the rules...

Just some thoughts :)


Tuesday 8 March 2011


So I thought that the for a first topic we could talk about body image. I came across this idea while hiking during the weekend. The sun was blazing and so I got a tan. I wondered how going dark(er) would make me feel. or in other words how I would feel about becoming a shade dark(er). I have not resolved that one, but I sort of got an uncomfortable feeling about the prospect. Oh poor me! It seems as if I might have bought into the line of light(er) is better.

The idea was just fascinating. I mean I knew all the correct answers...that is p.c and christian answers but I still felt uncomfortable at the idea. I wondered if people would look at me differently-no more beautiful- and how I would project myself differently and interact with people differently.